Before you choose to contact us, you should be aware of a few important considerations. Unless you have a signed engagement agreement with the Law Office of Scott A. Mills PLLC ("the firm"), we do not represent you, and disclosing information to us in an electronic communication will not create any kind of contractual obligation or attorney-client privilege between you and any attorney with the firm. You should not communicate using this tool if you are on a public computer or a workplace computer that may be subject to review by others. Please do not use your work email address unless you are willing for messages to be exchanged between yourself and the firm using a system that may be reviewed by other persons in your workplace. You may have no expectation of privacy if you use a workplace computer or email address. Please also read the firm's Disclaimer prior to sending any communications.
Mailing Address
Law Office of Scott A. Mills PLLC
4332 Banbury Drive
Gainesville, Virginia 20155